MASS Installation Instructions

Download the file using this

To update an existing MASS installation, follow the instructions in this document: link.

For a new installation follow the instructions below. You can also download the PDF version.

After downloading the file extract the content to C:\

Run Install.bat in C:\Mass\Install. It will open a Windows command window. You will have to press <Enter> a few times to step through the different steps of the installation procedure.

As a first step of the installation procedure the Cygwin Setup program will be started.
The Cygwin environment will be installed with all required packages needed to run MASS. This may take a few minutes. When ready click Finish.

When the Cygwin installation is ready you will have to press <Enter> a few times to perform a few additional installation steps. Please be patient in case some of these steps take a bit longer.

Depending on your system, it may also be needed to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013/2015 Redistributable (x64).
You can do this by running the installers for this located in C:\Mass\Install:


Go to the folder C:\Mass\Startup.

The folder C:\Mass\Startup contains a number of batch files which are used to start up the software.

To start MASS, use MASS_Windows.bat.

Double clicking one of these files will start up the selected software. The first time you run one of these commands, you have to accept the warning messages that may appear.

For convenience you can create a shortcut to the startup batch file and move the shortcut to your Desktop or your Start Menu folder. An icon can be attached to this shortcut by selecting the available MASS icon from the folder C:\Mass\Base\icons.


Within Cygwin the Windows drives are mapped to /cygdrive/c, /cygdrive/d, etc.

Without a valid license file the software will not run or it will run in DEMO mode. In DEMO mode not all features are operational. Refer to the next section to learn how to obtain and install a license file for your system.

Installation of the license file

To enable all features, you must have a license file which is specific for the machine on which you want to run the software. To apply for a license file, you need to send the following information:
  1. The host name and
  2. The physical address of the network card
To obtain this information you can use the command ipconfig /all from within a Windows command window (Run->cmd->ipconfig /all). You need to send the output of this command by email to request a license file for your computer.

Alternatively, after opening Mass, select Help->License info and send the displayed license information by email.

If you did receive a license file (mass.lic) for your system, it should be copied to the following folder:



The above assumes that you want to install the software on the C drive. In fact it is also allowed to install on another drive. However, this requires a number of changes to be made in various configuration files. Therefore, it is strongly advised to install Mass on the C-drive. If you already have Cygwin installed on your PC, there may be conflicts with the included version Cygwin. You may need to have administrator rights on your PC to install the software. Note that each user of the software should have full rights for all files within the folder C:\Mass and its subfolders.


The Mass Research Software is provided by Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS." Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the quality, safety or suitability of the software, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands makes no representations or warranties as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of any statements, information or materials concerning the software. In no event will Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands have been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.